

Financial products and services including: communications promoting overall image and capabilities of a financial institution.



MasterCard Rugby World Cup 2015: 44 Days of Crazy

In sponsoring Rugby World Cup 2015, MasterCard hoped to capture the hearts (and wallets) of affluent, passionate rugby fans. With little rugby awareness and credibility, MasterCard needed to increase brand consideration, and convert that into card usage. With a campaign that tapped into the passion and spirit of fans, MasterCard became the most talked about brand during RWC, and was named •Most Effective Sponsor by Marketing Week. But more importantly it led to more cards being used, more transactions being made, and increased card spend of $45 million.

Brand: MasterCard
Client: MasterCard
Agency: McCann London
Language: English

What Will Never Happen

Brand: Wibe
Client: BBVA Bancomer
Agency: Teran\TBWA
Language: Spanish

For A New Version Of Peru, A New Version Of Mibanco

Brand: Mibanco
Client: Mibanco, Banco De La Microempresa S.A.
Agency: FCB Mayo
Language: Spanish

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