

Financial products and services including: communications promoting overall image and capabilities of a financial institution.



Rational loans for emotional needs

The story is about how effective media and creative strategy can put cash loand in bank on the new level of sales thanks to repositioning to a new target audience with better solvency level. Successfully chosen format of 10” video communication with bright idea, with was not used for banking category before, make this product very visible in aggressive environment of banking advertising.

Brand: Kredobank
Client: Kredobank
Agency: TMA Communications
Language: English, Ukrainian

Who Says I Can't. With ZABA I Can.

Komunikacijski izazov bio je osvijestiti kako je ZABA banka koja ima izvrsnu ponudu za mlade klijente – Paket za mlade. Kreativna platforma morala je odgovoriti na pitanje: na koji način usluge Paketa za mlade, o kojima mladi nemaju dovoljno znanja, komunicirati na jednostavan, a mladima blizak način. Izborom kanala koji su bliski mladima sa ključnim je porukama pokazano da je ZABA relevantna i da ih razumije. U listopadu 2016. godine je ostvaren cilj prodaje, a ukupni prodajni rezultat do kraja godine je 25% viši od postavljenog cilja prodaje proizvoda.

Brand: Zagrebacka banka
Client: Zagrebacka banka
Agency: Real grupa
Language: Croatian

Onde tem frustração, Mastercard surpreende

With stagnant brand confidence, a loss of differentiation and 71% less investment, how can your benefit program overcome the frustrating loyalty segment to contribute to the leadership in cards?
Mastercard did this by repositioning Surprise in opposition to the segment, which made redemption difficult, bringing simplicity and speed to 'turn the routine into something surprising'.
Thus, it regained differentiation and consumer confidence, sparing people from frustration and allowing them to easily enjoy the 'little luxuries' with the family. Consequently, it reached unprecedented levels of brand, zeroed a historical difference to the competition, leveraged registrations, use, redemptions, recommendation and maintained leadership.

Com a confiança na marca estagnada, perdendo diferenciação e 71% menos investimento, como fazer seu programa de benefí-cios superar o frustrante segmento de fidelidade para contribuir com a liderança em cartões? 
A Mastercard fez isso ao reposicionar o Surpreenda ao contrário do segmento, que dificultava os resgates, trazendo simplicidade e rapidez para ‘transformar a rotina em algo surpreendente’.
Assim, retomou diferenciação e confiança, poupando as pessoas da frustração e permitindo-as viver facilmente os ‘pequenos luxos’ com a família. Consequentemente, atingiu patamares inéditos de marca, zerou uma diferença histórica para a con-corrência, alavancou cadastros, uso, resgates, recomendação e manteve a liderança.

Brand: MasterCard
Client: Mastercard
Agency: WMcCANN
Language: Portuguese

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