
New Product or Service Introduction or Line Extension

Any communications effort used to introduce a new product or service that is not a line extension.




En 2017 el sector construcción tuvo un crecimiento real menor al estimado. Ante esta coyuntura, se esperaba que el mercado afrontaría una disminución de precios al consumidor.  
Ante esta situación, UNACEM optó por incentivar el segmento premium del mercado, el cual representaba el 13.4% de la categoría y no crecía desde el 2014. 
El principal objetivo de UNACEM sería promover el crecimiento del segmento premium y obtener la mayor cuota de mercado del segmento. Para ello posicionó a Andino Ultra como el mejor cemento del mercado.

Brand: Andino Ultra
Client: unacem
Agency: Fahrenheit DDB
Language: Spanish

The Only Taco Bell On A 1208KM Radius

Brand: Taco Bell
Client: California Fresh Flavours
Agency: McCann Worldgroup Romania
Language: Romanian

Creation from scratch and launch of new yoghurt brand EPICA

How to launch new break-through yoghurt brand in the declining market mostly controlled by international players with huge budgets? Ehrmann did that by precise definition of market white spot no unisex yoghurt brand for active urban young adults which could become their lifestyle brand! And thats EPICA yoghurt combining all features that young audience lacked in other brands. High protein for being in shape, stylish photogenic packaging design, unexpected tastes, non-standard approach to communication and innovations. Only in 1 year after launch EPICA brought Ehrmann 1,35 Bln RUR sales, became number 6 brand in Value in yoghurt market and helped Ehrmann to reverse negative trend of market share loss!

Brand: EPICA
Client: Ehrmann LLC
Agency: Getbrand
Language: English, Russian

2023_mn_2023_e-3535-834_hero_1 McDonald's Rice - Hard to believe?
2023_mn_2023_e-4064-971_hero_1 Tank Tank.. Clean water made easy
2023_uk_2023_e-882-560_hero_1 Stella Artois Unfiltered Stella Artois goes au Naturel to launch new Stella Artois Unfiltered

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