

Social Media Marketing



BCP con el Perú durante el fenómeno del Niño

La campaña “Contigo Perú” logró unificar en una sola estrategia de comunicación las distintas acciones realizadas por el BCP en beneficio de los damnificados, alineándola de manera clara al territorio de la marca. La comunicación permitió movilizar a la sociedad y brindar ayuda:
Más de 750 mil soles recaudados a través de nuestros canales de atención.
Más de 457 mil giros nacionales realizados de manera gratuita (+30pp sobre el promedio diario)
Más de 135 millones de soles movilizados de manera gratuita a través de los giros.

Brand: BCP: contigo durante el fenómeno del Niño
Client: BCP
Agency: TBWA Perú
Language: Spanish

Durex Jeans - Condom or Denim

In India, talking about sex openly is taboo. This makes buying condoms in public an embarrassing task. Durex created innovative packaging - a soft sachet that slips into the pocket - and called it "Jeans". Our tongue-in-cheek PR campaign "Durex gets into denims" got India and the whole world guessing. We trolled ourselves and led real-time interaction on a raging topic that set the net on fire with highly engaging conversations on sex and condoms. This led to a turnaround of category growth from -2% to 15%.

Brand: Durex
Client: Reckitt Benckiser India
Agency: Havas Worldwide India
Language: English


Sberbank launched Visa Signature "Aeroflot" card - the best card for accumulating miles. However, this launch got nearly lost in the media clutter, created by competitors. We had to find a way to inform our audience (those, who travel frequently) about the card - and make them hear us. This way "Namesake-Airports" project was born. We proposed to our clients to find an airport, which had in its IATA code same 3 letters as the client had in in his initials - and then share results in social in order to win a prize. This mechanics grew viral in social media and gave us 65% TA reach (comparable to TV reach), 111% uplift in sales (versus 25% expected uplift) - with 50% of online applications having come from social.

Brand: Sberbank
Client: Sberbank
Language: English, Russian

2023_la_2023_e-3068-430_hero_1 Eudora Eudora Siàge
2023_la_2023_e-3160-221_hero_1 TikTok #LoDescubriEnTikTok
2023_la_2023_e-3467-006_hero_1 Universidad Tecnológica del Perú A la conquista de TikTok

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