

Social Media Marketing



Hello,Lucky Fish

National Day holiday was a critical point in Alipay's overseas market expansion.
Alipay implemented the “national koi” event according to the Social First marketing strategy for event management. It created its own hot topic “Lucky Fish”on Weibo, and masterfully employed Weibo’s promotion tools to create social buzz, to leverage small budget to gain huge running traffic and massive social benefit. As a result, a new milestone on enterprise social media marketing was set up.

Brand: Alipay
Client: Alipay
Agency: weibo
Language: Mandarin

Valentine's joy for the heartbroken

Jollibee is the Philippines’ leading fast food restaurant. Except on Valentine’s. Because Jollibee is not top-of-mind for a romantic meal. Neither is it associated with the season. So, how do we get Filipinos to visit Jollibee during Valentine’s? While everyone was celebrating romance, we found an irresistible reason for people to crave the comfort of fast food – heartbreak. The result? Jollibee’s best Valentine’s ever. Sales of featured products soared and store sales tripled.

Brand: Jollibee
Client: Jollibee Foods Corporation
Agency: McCann Worldgroup Philippines
Language: English

Yo doy Aguante

En el 2017, Ponle Corazón necesitaba recaudar más fondos pues el número de personas que atendía, había incrementado considerablemente. Para ello, ideamos un mensaje diferente: reflejamos el coraje con el que los pacientes enfrentan su enfermedad e involucramos a los donantes, generando así un movimiento empoderador. Movimiento al cual se sumaron las figuras más representativas del país y el cantante internacional Residente Calle 13. Logrando así, alcanzar y superar un nuevo record histórico: recaudar un millón y medio de soles.  

Brand: Ponle Corazón
Client: Fundación Peruana de Cáncer
Agency: Fahrenheit DDB
Language: Spanish

2023_la_2023_e-3068-430_hero_1 Eudora Eudora Siàge
2023_la_2023_e-3160-221_hero_1 TikTok #LoDescubriEnTikTok
2023_la_2023_e-3467-006_hero_1 Universidad Tecnológica del Perú A la conquista de TikTok

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