
Agricultural, Industrial & Building

All related products, materials, tools and services.



Bayer TriVolt

To convince deeply skeptical, profoundly change-resistant farmers, to adopt a new herbicide, we lent into the fact that they no longer believed manufacturers' claims. By helping them see the truth with their own eyes, TriVolt outsold the previously most successful herbicide launch five times over. 

Brand: TriVolt
Client: Bayer
Agency: BBDO Atlanta
Language: English

More Advice, Less Advertising

How do you advertise to farmers who don’t trust advertising? You don’t. For challenger seed brand, Channel, growth could only come from disrupting the status quo. To break inertia, Channel sought to increase consideration, generate sales leads and drive content consumption. A brand campaign based on advice, not advertising, broke convention while appealing to a skeptical farmer audience. The calculated risk paid off with a 2% increase in consideration, 43% increase in request for sales visits and a 151% year-over-year increase in article consumption on the brand’s website.

Brand: Channel Seed
Client: Bayer
Agency: HLK / HughesLeahyKarlovic
Language: English

A Better Worksite Is Here

United Rentals was the king of its domain: rental equipment for worksites. But growth gets harder when you’re already number one. We reframed United Rentals from a place to rent a backhoe to a worksite-productivity expert through a provocative move: we took on a half-a-trillion-dollar enemy hiding in plain sight—the rampant inefficiency on construction jobsites. This allowed us to shine a light on how United Rentals is helping worksites work better. Our campaign not only shifted awareness, perceptions, and consideration, but also drove an increase in digital customers and revenue.

Brand: United Rentals
Client: United Rentals
Agency: Droga5
Language: English

2022_us_2022_e-7607-552_hero_1 John Deere Run With Us
2021_us_2021_e-5999-353_hero_1 American Egg Board The Gift of Eggs
2021_us_2021_e-6391-973_hero_1 DuraCor Herbicide Get More from Every Acre

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