
Positive Change - Social Good: Brands

Recognizing brands that are making the world a better place by using the power of their communications platforms for "good."  This category celebrates for-profit brand efforts that effectively combined business goals with a social cause (he



Beyond the Capitals

Russia is not only Moscow St. Pete. The majority of achievements in the media is concentrated the two cities while there are a great many things happening outside those 2 capitals, that we hear little about. There is a lot to be proud of Beyond the Capitals. With the help of Google Search and Maps we found people's stories that with love for their region and project change the country around them. Together we make their achievements famous across the whole country.

Brand: Google
Client: Google Russia
Agency: SLAVA
Language: English, Russian

Care Counts

One year ago, Whirlpool told the world about Care Counts™, a program that fights absenteeism by installing washers and dryers in schools to remove one small but important barrier to attendance, access to clean clothes. Encouraged by the success of the pilot program, Whirlpool more than doubled the number of schools from 17 to 39 for the 2016-2017 school year. The results were exceptional with over 86% of the students at risk for chronic absenteeism increasing their attendance.

Brand: Whirlpool
Client: Whirlpool
Agency: DigitasLBi Chicago
Language: English

Stacker Atomic

Todos los años, en Julio, Burger King celebra el Stacker Day. Consiste en lanzar una edición limitada de la mítica hamburguesa y venderla al 50% off por un día. Es un suceso que nuestros clientes esperan con ansias y 2016 había sido un año record de ventas. La única manera de superar nuestra mejor performance era dándole a la gente un motivo extra para venir a probarla, más allá del precio y del producto. En 2017 la innovación consistía en una hamburguesa de 5 carnes, literalmente imposible de comer con una sola mano. Así es que pensamos en Gino Tubaro, inventor y creador de Atomic Lab, un proyecto que imprime prótesis de manos 3D a muy bajo costo. Entonces lo llamamos “Stacker Atomic” y destinamos todo lo recaudado en el Stacker Day a imprimir más prótesis de manos. En 24hs triplicamos lo que Atomic Lab había entregado desde 2014. Fue un éxito en términos de negocio y de reputación.

Brand: Burger King
Client: Burger King
Agency: DAVID Buenos Aires
Language: Spanish

2024_us_2024_e-9330-578_hero_1 Pure Leaf Iced Tea The "No" Grants
2024_us_2024_e-9372-166_hero_1 Chick-fil-A The Brake Room
2023_ap_2023_sc-bs001_hero_1 McDonald's Eating Equally with Eatqual

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