
Positive Change - Social Good: Brands

Recognizing brands that are making the world a better place by using the power of their communications platforms for "good."  This category celebrates for-profit brand efforts that effectively combined business goals with a social cause (he



Together this Ramadan: Helping to bring representation to the table

Muslims were consistently ignored and misrepresented in advertising; winning back trust was no mean feat. One campaign wouldn’t solve discrimination, but every little helps. Tesco decided to bring the Muslim community into their creative process. Results were a campaign that not only improved brand perceptions, but actively made British Muslims feel more included in society. Its scale, removal of the hero Tesco product (food), its collaborative inclusion of the community were a first. Only live for Ramadan in 2022, the ripple effects are still being felt, changing marketing’s narrative around inclusivity, raising expectations and inspiring countless further campaigns.

Brand: Tesco
Client: Tesco
Language: English

Vodafone Discoverage

“Together let’s go big” is the story of a movement based on a collective that goes beyond McDonald’s to include suppliers, farmers, and businesses the brand has been working hand in hand with. The objective? Improve positive advocacy for McDonald’s by showcasing how a decision taken by the brand and implemented with its partners can have a massive positive impact on the planet, the economy, and our health. The results far surpassed our ambition: +25 pts in positive advocacy from clients exposed to the campaign compared to clients who weren’t.

Brand: Vodafone Discoverage
Agency: McCann Worldgroup Romania
Language: English

Encuesta del Orgullo: combatiendo la invisibilidad social de la población LGBTQIAPN+.

Contra las marcas oportunistas en la agenda LGBTQIAPN+, Havaianas actuó proactivamente por la causa. La "Encuesta del Orgullo", hecha con Datafolha y All Out, combatió la invisibilización de la comunidad con un Censo sociodemográfico que identifica a la población LGBTQIAPN+ brasileña. La investigación impulsó atributos de Diversidad y Notoriedad, aumentó las ventas y estabilizó el Brand Power. El verdadero éxito es su legado: la encuesta fue reconocida por la Marcha del Orgullo, alcanzó otras marcas aliadas, respaldó un proyecto de ley y llevó la comunidad a avanzar hacia su libertad.

Brand: Havaianas
Client: Havaianas
Agency: Media Monks
Language: Spanish

2024_us_2024_e-9330-578_hero_1 Pure Leaf Iced Tea The "No" Grants
2024_us_2024_e-9372-166_hero_1 Chick-fil-A The Brake Room
2023_ap_2023_sc-bs001_hero_1 McDonald's Eating Equally with Eatqual

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