
Travel & Tourism

Cruises, hotels, resorts, amusement parks, recreational, travel tours, travel websites and booking services, etc.



Take Home A Story

The Minnesota Office of Tourism (MOT) redefined travel destination advertising having recognized the substantial role the Internet now plays in travel planning. The MOT moved from a lead generation strategy to an emotion-laden direction selling why someone should desire to visit the state. Advertising awareness goals were shattered by 100%. The objective for increasing the percentage of prospects planning a trip to the state after seeing the advertising in-market was exceeded by 92%.

Brand: Minnesota Office of Tourism
Client: Minnesota Office of Tourism
Agency: Carmichael Lynch
Language: English

Stay Smart

Holiday Inn ubiquity handicapped the market potential of the Holiday Inn Express brand- consumers weren't aware that Express was a distinct brand, let alone a contender in the 'limited service' hotel segment. The brands first-ever "Stay Smart" marketing campaign set out to not only generate awareness, but drive business. The campaign broke the mold of typical hotel advertising by focusing on the emotional, "I feel smart" benefits an Express stay offers. Impactful creative and targeted media maximized a small budget, resulting in substantial shifts in key brand measures, and revenue growth that dramatically outperformed competitors-all in just five months.

Brand: Holiday Inn Express
Client: Bass Hotels & Resorts, Inc.
Agency: Fallon McElligott
Language: English

Remember The Magic

For their 25th Anniversary, Walt Disney World wanted to achieve record attendance levels, create rapid awareness of the 25th celebration, and gain significant unpaid media coverage. The "Remember The Magic" campaign tapped into the emotional connection that guests have with Walt Disney World by inviting them to come back to re-live their favorite memories and create magical new ones. With this highly integrated and relevant campaign, Walt Disney World had its most successful year ever - exceeding all goals set for the 25th Anniversary including the shattering of previous record attendance levels in a highly competitive category.

Brand: Walt Disney World
Client: Walt Disney Parks & Resorts
Agency: Leo Burnett USA
Language: English

2023_ap_2023_sp-tt005_hero_1 Tourism Australia The Off Season
2023_la_2023_e-3671-047_hero_1 Gol Linhas Aéreas ¡Gracias por la propaganda!
2023_mn_2023_e-4276-854_hero_1 Louvre Abu Dhabi Personalised Impressionism

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