

Air, train, bus, taxi, rideshare services, subway systems, bike shares, car rentals, ferries, etc.



Flat Beds

Most marketers face the challenge of making "me-too" new products seem revolutionary. British Airways faced the exact opposite - making their revolutionary new product seem more than just "me-too". In an environment of overcapacity and falling profits, the battle among international airlines was heating up. Most were responding with new products designed to capture more lucrative business class share. British Airways responded with a revolutionary new business class product- a seat that reclines into a completely flat bed. Although the new product was clearly superior to competitors', breaking through the noise in the category as well as maintaining its perception as a world-class innovative airline proved to be significant challenges.

Brand: British Airways
Client: British Airways
Agency: M&C Saatchi
Language: English

The Passenger's Airline

In order to repair the broken relationship between Delta Air Lines and frequent business travelers in the New York market, the carrier launched a new brand campaign that presented the benefits of its products and services from the passenger's perspective. The fully integrated campaign, which for the first time united Delta's family of products under one executional umbrella, significantly increased brand consideration and involvement during a period when passenger distrust of airlines had reached epic proportions.

Brand: Delta Air Lines
Client: Delta Air Lines
Agency: Leo Burnett USA
Language: English

The Upper Class Campaign

The competition was cloning Virgin Atlantic's products and beginning to erode Virgin's success amongst business travelers. With Virgin's new Business Class delayed, Virgin was forced to launch a new campaign without the anticipated new product. Virgin was able to turn a handicap into a huge success.

Brand: Virgin Atlantic
Client: Virgin Atlantic Airways
Agency: CMG Communications
Language: English

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2022_us_2022_e-7726-323_hero_1 Chevrolet There's Only One Guy For The Job
2022_us_2022_e-7238-612_hero_1 Goldfish Go For The Handful

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