
Snacks & Desserts

Ice cream, candy, chips, cookies, bakery items, nut, fruit & vegetable snacks, popcorn, etc.



No Matter What

Wrigley faced the challenge of incrementally growing the Orbit gum brand in year 3 via the launch of Cinnamint and Bubblemint, without cannibalizing its existing 3 flavors. Orbit would need to reach this goal amidst a highly competitive environment and with lower media budget. To do so, Wrigley continued Orbit's successful "No Matter What" campaign that communicates the motivating clean feeling mouth positioning. As a result, Orbit's new flavors and existing flavors grew incrementally, far surpassing all of Wrigley's goals.

Brand: Orbit
Client: Wm. Wrigley Jr. Company
Agency: BBDO Chicago
Language: English


The Golden Gophers have not played in the Rose Bowl for 35 years, they play in an off-campus, indoor stadium and were coming off six consecutive losing seasons. Our goal was to get people to attend Gopher football games despite the team's losing history. To avoid the backlash from over-promising Pasadena (home of the Rose Bowl), a statement made in previous marketing campaigns, we leveraged the opportunistic thought that, on or off the field anything can happen! We introduced Marge & Barb, two senior citizen, pigskin junkies who celebrated the essence of football-hard hitting, smash-mouthed defense, to promote the idea.

Brand: Kellogg's Pop-Tarts
Client: The Kellogg Company
Agency: Leo Burnett USA
Language: English

Oreo Moments

While the Oreo brand is over 90 years old and has universal household awareness, with Double Delight Mint 'n Creme, Oreo was able to increase its relevancy and grow share by expanding its objectives in broadening both its target audience and competitive frame of reference. The campaign's goal was designed to attract new adult users into the franchise, by touting its core equity: Delight consumers with the one-of-a-kind Oreo experience; and "Trade" successfully captured that essence by depicting a pure, unadulterated moment of childhood delight.

Brand: Double Delight Oreo - Mint 'n Creme
Client: Kraft Foods, Inc.
Agency: FCB New York
Language: English

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2024_us_2024_e-9212-715_hero_1 Pop-Tarts Pop-Tarts Frosted Banana Bread: Launching a Vibe, Not Just a Flavor
2024_us_2024_e-9213-486_hero_1 Skittles Skittles - "Don't Throw the Rainbow"

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