

Open to all retail companies (online and/or brick & mortar) with general or specific merchandise. 



Don’t go grocery shopping, buy online at Frisco.pl

Frisco.pl - a small, local online supermarket has challenged retail giants in Warsaw. Starting from a low level of brand awareness and surrounded by strong competition, we have made spectacular business transformation. Based on the observation that the Warsaw people have a deep-seated habit of buying "from the shelf", we have created a platform Don’t go grocery shopping. We showed that, thanks to convenient online shopping at Frisco.pl saved time can be spent on much more enjoyable things. As a result of the campaign, brand awareness increased by 9 points, and revenue by 67% vs. 1% in the corresponding period of 2015 - more than tripled the e-grocery market.

Brand: Frisco.pl
Client: Frisco.pl
Agency: LiquidThread
Language: Polish

Find Your Perfect

eBay Fashion set out to make a splash in the world of stale and templatized fashion advertising to revitalize their brand and stem further business decline. Flipping the conventions of the fashion category on its head, eBay democratized fashion and celebrated true style individuality with real women at the heart of the campaign. Real women responded to our real message with the campaign bypassing engagement benchmarks by nearly 20 percentage points and successfully reversing growth declines with a sales lift of 4 percentage points. 

Brand: eBay
Client: eBay
Agency: DigitasLBi
Language: English

Diamonds Don't Need a Man

Brand: Tanishq
Client: Tanishq
Agency: MullenLowe Lintas Group, India
Language: English

2023_eu_2023_e-1094-101_hero_1 McDonald's McDonald's "Together let's go big"
2023_eu_2023_e-814-354_hero_1 Lacoste Unexpected Encounters
2023_la_2023_e-3239-503_hero_1 EASY Un Rincón en el Mundo para cada uno

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