
Media & Entertainment Companies

TV stations/networks, websites (entertainment, lifestyle, news, trade, etc.), magazines, newspapers, consumer or trade media, radio stations, broadcasters, etc.



Museo de la Mentira

Para combatir las mentiras, hay que exponerlas. Y para lograrlo, Animal Político desarrolló el primer chatbot que verifica hechos en tiempo real. Con apoyo de IA y artistas digitales, las noticias falsas verificadas se convirtieron en arte, expuestas en el primer Museo de la Mentira virtual. Las imágenes fueron llevados a puntos estratégicos de CDMX, llevando a los usuarios a través de un código QR al verifichat y combatir la desinformación. La noticia llegó a más de 15 países, impactando a más de 192 millones de usuarios digitales.

Brand: Animal Político
Client: Animal Político
Agency: McCANN Worldgroup México
Language: Spanish

“Europe From Above” season 4

The launch campaign of "Europe from Above" Season 4 aimed to increase viewership and establish the show as fundamental for the market share of National Geographic. The tactic of assuring an episode dedicated to the culture and nature of Bulgaria ensured relevance and emotional connection with the local audience reinforced with creative approach and media mix. Through a 360° campaign, we increased the Reach by 3.6 times, audience share by 407%, ratings by 455%, and became the third most-watched thematic channel. We attracted sponsorship interest and high social engagement.

Brand: National Geographic Bulgaria
Client: The Walt Disney Company Bulgaria
Agency: The Walt Disney Company Bulgaria
Language: Bulgarian

Netflix's Heart Beats Tuntum

Netflix needed to expand to a challenging audience: sports fans.We noticed that Tuntum, a small team entering the Brazil Cup, had a very similar name to Netflix's sound branding, TUDUM.Rather than simply mentioning the coincidence, we took the joke seriously and sponsored the team for an entire season.We gained prominence for 90 minutes in the team's next match, broadcasted exclusively on Prime Video.We hit all the benchmarks without investing in paid media and took a big step into new territory.

Brand: Netflix
Agency: Wunderman Thompson Brasil
Language: English

2023_la_2023_e-2498-118_hero_1 AMERICA TV Más que publicidad, memorias.
2023_la_2023_e-2590-106_hero_1 Netflix Next Station: The Upside Down
2023_la_2023_e-3357-270_hero_1 SPOTIFY MEXCLA SOMOS. MÉXICO ES IMPARABLE

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