
Beverages - Non-Alcohol

Diet and non-diet soda, coffee, tea, juices, milk, milk substitutes bottled water, sparkling water, etc.



Obey Your Thirst

The "Obey Your Thirst" campaign has successfully contributed to Sprite being perceived as the soft drink choice of youth today. This is driven in large part by the brand's personality which speaks with teens on their terms, in a voice that embodies the most relevant and meaningful values reflective of being a teenager today. The effectiveness of the campaign is borne out by the substantial volume growth (+22% in Aug/Sept. 1995)Sprite has realized as well as significant gains in advertising performance measures and the communication of key brand refreshment equities.

Brand: Sprite
Client: The Coca-Cola Company
Agency: Lowe and Partners/SMS
Language: English

Life is a Sport. Drink It Up.

Gatorade Thirst Quencher was successful at fortifying its sports drink leadership in the face of intense competition from Coke and Pepsi. Gatorade's new campaign, "Life Is A Sport. Drink It Up", helped to drive volume growth. regain lost usage and penetration, and reasset Gatorade's superiority.

Brand: Gatorade Thirst Quencher
Client: Quaker Oats Company
Agency: Bayer Bess Vanderwarker
Language: English

Nothing Else Is A Pepsi

The "Nothing Else Is A Pepsi" campaign positioned Pepsi as the superior choice versus all other beverages, including Coke, new age beverages and Private Label colas. The "Nothing Else Is A Pepsi" campaign achieved or exceeded all marketing objectives established for the brand, including establishing Pepsi as the number one market share brand among all soft drinks and solidifying its position as America's favorite beverage.

Brand: Pepsi
Client: PepsiCo
Agency: BBDO New York
Language: English

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2023_ap_2023_sp-bn001_hero_1 Coca-Cola A Real Magic Year Of The Tiger
2023_eu_2023_e-842-047_hero_1 Coca-Cola Zero Coca-Cola

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