
Beverages - Alcohol

Beer, champagne, liquor, wine, wine coolers, etc.




In a steadily shrinking category, Bacardi Limon has made an enormous impact as a new clear spirit within its very short time on the market. As planned, it's growth has come from non-typical rum drinking occasions. Limon's growth has made it the most successful full-proof new product introduction in this decade! This is just the beginning...

Brand: Bacardi Limon
Client: Bacardi-Martini USA
Agency: Ammirati Puris Lintas
Language: English

The Nature of Guinness

By tapping into the depth of Guinness drinkers' feeling about what they describe as the Guinness drinking experience, "The Nature of Guinness' campaign succeeded in cementing loyalists' relationship with the brand, and enticing trial among new drinkers. The brand achieved its objective of double digit growth through 1995, with sales in key advertised (high potential) markets outperforming the rest of the country. Consumer tracking data shows gains in awareness, trial and preference measures, again impressive in the high potential markets.

Brand: Guinness
Client: Guiness Import Company
Agency: Weiss, Whitten, Stagliano Inc.
Language: English

Drive One And You'll Know

Mack Trucks had a strong position in the construction truck market, but poor reputation in the over-the-road segment was starting to affect its reputation in all segments. With advertising, Mack repositioned themselves as "drivable" and to influence this behavior Mack conducted a test-drive promotion. Results show a significant perceptual change: Mack has been outpacing Class 8 category growth by 5% and is on pace to a 12% market share by the end of the year 1994.

Brand: Mack Trucks
Client: Mack Trucks, Inc.
Agency: Carmichael Lynch
Language: English

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2023_ap_2023_sp-ba005_hero_1 Harbin Harbin The Beer Bench
2023_la_2023_e-3005-880_hero_1 Diageo México Buchanan´s Two Souls Buchanan’s Two Souls®: La unión de dos grandes

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