
Beverages - Alcohol

Beer, champagne, liquor, wine, wine coolers, etc.



Already Ready Already

The broad objective of the campaign was to successfully introduce Tropical Freezes, a new line of blended freezer cocktails, into the marketplace. Specifically, the goal was to meet or to exceed the successful 1994 market results in terms of sales projections, brand awareness, trial, and distribution.

Brand: Tropical Freezes
Client: Brown-Forman
Agency: Altschiller & Company
Language: English

This Bud's For You

No brand has ever been more important to its brewery in volume or profits that Budweiser and no major beer has ever been turned around once it started slipping. After six years of trying alternative advertising strategies to slow Budweiser's brand erosion, DDB Needham was awarded the challenge. Our solution...to change the attitude toward Budweiser by changing the attitude of Budweiser via advertising that is fun and enjoyable to watch. The result...young adults, as well as other, are no more aware of Budweiser as well as more favorable towards Budweiser and brand erosion has slowed and is on its way to being stopped.

Brand: Budweiser
Client: Anheuser-Busch, Inc.
Agency: DDB Chicago
Language: English

Mr. Jenkins

The "Mr. Jenkins" campaign features the character, Mr. Jenkins, as Tanqueray spokesperson, advocate, embodiment. He brings fun to sophisticated settings and sophistication to fun, young settings, all with wisdom, wit, and devilry. He "loosens the tie" of the brand. This campaign enabled us to successfully achieve our goal of revitalizing the brand among young influential drinkers.

Brand: Tanqueray
Client: Diageo (formerly Schieffelin & Somerset)
Agency: Deutsch, Inc.
Language: English

2024_us_2024_e-9036-452_hero_1 Budweiser This Bud’s For You: Recruiting A New Generation of Budweiser Drinkers
2023_ap_2023_sp-ba005_hero_1 Harbin Harbin The Beer Bench
2023_la_2023_e-3005-880_hero_1 Diageo México Buchanan´s Two Souls Buchanan’s Two Souls®: La unión de dos grandes

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