
Healthcare - OTC

Marketing communications efforts for products that are sold without a prescription that address a specific health condition.



The Power to Calm. The Power to Comfort. The Power to Quit Successfully

Recognizing the hard truth about quitting smoking made NicoDerm CQ the #1 patch, capturing over 90% of the patch segment's share. Our competition promised smokers a quick, simple way to quit. But smokers know quitting is excruciatingly difficult and that cravings will make them miserable while they are quitting. Our campaign, "The Power to Calm, The Power to Comfort, The Power to Quit Successfully" empathizes with smokers, reassuring them that CQ can help them deal with the cravings that make quitting such an angst ridden experience.

Brand: NicoDerm CQ
Client: Smith Kline Beecham Consumer Healthcare
Agency: Jordan, McGrath, Case & Partners
Language: English

YOU CAN DO IT. Nicorette Can Help- Testimonials

The "YOU CAN DO IT. Nicorette can help." communication for Nicorette gum truthfully positioned the product in the smoking cessation category. It was accepted and embraced by smokers because it acknowledged the importance of the smoker in the quitting process and connected with them on an emotional and credible level. The idea was integrated across a wide range of media outlets. The result was a campaign that made Nicorette the number one brand in the category.

Brand: Nicorette Gum
Client: Smith Kline Beecham Consumer Healthcare
Agency: Jordan, McGrath, Case & Partners
Language: English

One Minute Maalox

The "One Minute Maalox" campaign was tremendously successful at reversing a 2 year downward business trend and exceeding its goal by actually realizing a +2.9% sales increase.

Brand: Maalox
Client: Novartis Consumer Health, Inc.
Agency: Grey New York
Language: English

2024_us_2024_e-9018-856_hero_1 Bayer Aspirin Bayer Aspirin Official Sponsor of Fans' Hearts
2023_us_2023_e-8156-233_hero_1 Advil Advil the Summer Travel Pain Away
2023_us_2023_e-8449-758_hero_1 Pfizer Living Beyond COVID-19

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