
Topical Marketing

This category reconizes cases that effectively leveraged immediate relevance, interest or importance via a targeted marketing/PR strategy around current events (e.g. elections, World Cup, Olympics, economics, etc.)




100% COVID free putovanje u doba lockdowna? Moguće je!  Što će ujesen 2020-e nedostajati lokalnom stanovništvu malog turističkoj mjestašca? Obzirom da je oduvijek jesen, nakon poslovno naporne sezone rezervirana za godišnje odmore i putovanja, a u godini COVID-a to je onemogućeno, najviše će im nedostajati upravo to: putovanja. Ali, gradska knjižnica ima rješenje: kao kulturna institucija koja je uvijek tu za svoje građane, odlučuje se u potpunosti transformirati u putničku agenciju, ponuditi alternativu i odvesti svoje sugrađane na putovanje: putem knjiga, uz čitav niz popratnih aktivacija.

Brand: Gradska Knjižnica Poreč
Client: Gradska Knjižnica Poreč
Agency: Studio Sonda
Language: Croatian

The Shop That Nearly Wasn't

Cancer is clever, but we are ingenious - how targeting a day of maximum attention - and maximum competition - inspired Ireland to change the future with cancer research. A unique product and promotional campaign that only existed, because of cancer research: The Shop That Nearly Wasn’t - The World’s first shop 100% stocked and staffed by cancer survivors.  Opening on World Cancer Day 2020, seeking 100% survival for 100% of cancers, it helped Breakthrough Cancer Research fund more investment in cancer research than ever before.

Brand: Breakthrough Cancer Research
Client: Breakthrough Cancer Research
Agency: The Brill Building
Language: English

Reframing value in a Pandemic: How Vodafone stayed on top during a race to the bottom

At the start of the Covid-19 pandemic, Vodafone experienced a dramatic churn increase as consumers panicked, showing just how volatile a reaction consumers were having to this uncertainty. With price beginning to dominate the conversation, there was a need to remind our base what it was they were paying for – high quality network performance on Ireland’s best mobile network.  This topical campaign dramatically reversed the rate of churn and increased consideration and value perceptions, protecting Vodafone's premium positioning. 

Brand: Vodafone
Client: Vodafone
Agency: Folk Wunderman Thompson
Language: English

2024_pk_2024_e-2656-032_hero_1 McDonald's Zalmi Deal McDonald's Zalmi Deal
2024_pk_2024_e-3049-364_hero_1 Sensodyne Owning cricket with Sensodyne
2024_pk_2024_e-3167-192_hero_1 Sunsilk Pakistan Sunsilk Wedding Diaries 2.0

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