
Topical Marketing

This category reconizes cases that effectively leveraged immediate relevance, interest or importance via a targeted marketing/PR strategy around current events (e.g. elections, World Cup, Olympics, economics, etc.)



Printing Payback Guarantee

As Recession hit America in 2008-2009, riskbecame a four-letter word to many CIOs. There couldn't have been a worse time for HP to try to get them to sign expensive, large-scale printing servicing contracts. Yet the brand successfully brought in $120M in new contract value, thanks to a simple, but very effective business idea: the Printing Payback Guarantee. A unique offer CIOs couldn't refuse, because it turned their fear of risk into a growth opportunity.

Brand: HP
Client: HP Imaging & Printing Group
Agency: Goodby, Silverstein & Partners
Language: English

Huntington Bank Brand Re-launch

In the aftermath of a decade of corporate greed and consumer distrust, followed by the worst economic crisis since the depression which only compounded society's view of financial institutions, consumers had no loyalty or trust in banks. This case focuses on how we repositioned a bank in one of the toughest climates not only to fuel growth of the bank, but growth in the region they served.

Brand: Huntington Bank
Client: Huntington Bank
Agency: Arnold Worldwide
Language: English

2023_la_2023_e-2869-201_hero_1 Animal Político Museo de la Mentira
2023_la_2023_e-2919-893_hero_1 Dove El Poder de las Plantas
2023_la_2023_e-3018-239_hero_1 Netflix QUE MIRÁ BOBOT

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