
Sponsorship & Event Marketing



Buick ExcelleGT 3 or 4 Truth Test Drive Event

Buick ExcelleGT, equipped with a more energy-efficient three-cylinder engine, relaunched last year. However, resulting from consumers’ bias of three-cylinder, ExcelleGT suffered from a severe sales decline. The previous Top-3 sedan fell out of the top 20.
In fact, most three-cylinder haters haven’t even driven it. Therefore, the best way to change consumers’ bias is to let them experience rather than educate them. So we launched a humorous test drive. Consumers were invited to test drive both three-cylinder and three-cylinder Buick. But we secretly interchanged the engine in order to let consumers experience without bias. Those who thought they drove four-cylinder (actually three-cylinder) were amazed at the driving experience. The rumor of three-cylinder is exploded in front of the fact.
This real product experiencing event not only overturn consumers’ bias successfully, but also help the former sales king went back to Top 3 again.

Brand: buick
Client: SAIC General Motors Corporation Limited
Agency: Ogilvy Shanghai
Language: Mandarin


As brands are all striving to grab young people’ attention, M&M’S was no longer exciting, even experienced the biggest loss in the young market which owned the highest penetration before. It led to a 3-year continued sales decline.
How can M&M’S reinvigorate itself?
Under the brand strategy of exploring on screen time, we identified the newest trend of fan culture in esports, and made M&M’S the first brand leveraging esports fan economy!
We sponsored KPL (esports contest representing the highest popularity), and empowered fans to win huge glory for their favorite players - get them on the KPL stage - by using M&M’S products!
It not only brought significant sales growth for the brand, but also created great buzz on social, to which the co-mention with KPL contributed the most, and KPL players contributed the most earned buzz.

Brand: M&M’S
Client: Mars Foods (China) Co., Ltd.
Agency: BBDO China
Language: Mandarin

Esports starts with you

“Esports starts with you” is the first and the only multi-channel sponsorship esports project in Russia. MegaFon has decided to win favor of the younger audience and increase sales of the relevant product using the newest ever-growing trend of esports. A series of thought-out sponsorship integrations, engagement mechanics and brand-new unique content ideas were the main factors behind the project’s success. MegaFon managed to bolster the brand’s “youngster” attributes to 20% and increase sales of the data plan with an increased mobile traffic package by more than 300% over the course of the campaign.

Brand: MegaFon
Client: MegaFon PJSC
Agency: ESforce
Language: English, Russian

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