

Any effort whose success was dependent on effectively connecting with a specific cultural or lifestyle group, e.g.  African-American, Asian, Hispanic, LGBT, People with Disabilities, etc.   



Helados Dos Pinos como nunca antes

Dado el tamaño de la oportunidad, Dos Pinos quiere regresar al negocio de heladerías con un concepto innovador, único y relevante para los jóvenes. El objetivo, lograr ¢10.000.000 en ventas durante el primer mes. La solución, capitalizar el sabor de los helados, conos y paletas Dos Pinos pero entregarlos en formas sorprendentes. El producto innovador estaría en el centro de la estrategia. Esto sería suficiente para viralizar el concepto. Al final del primer mes las ventas superaron las expectativas , la afluencia al local se mantiene fuera de lo esperado y tenemos el perfil de Facebook más dinamizado de la categoría entre los jóvenes.

Brand: Dos Pinos
Client: Dos Pinos
Agency: Garnier BBDO
Language: Spanish

Blood Equality

All blood is not created equal. That is the message gay and bisexual men receive when they are turned away from donating blood. Because today, gay men are still banned from donating blood. There is no such thing as "gay blood" and treating it as something inferior cannot be accepted. Blood Equality was born to fight for a policy based on science, not stigma. The goal: to spark meaningful dialogue with the Food & Drug Administration (FDA) to accelerate the process towards a less discriminatory policy.

Brand: Gay Mens Health Crisis (GMHC)
Client: Gay Men's Health Crisis (GMHC)
Agency: FCB Health
Language: English

Language Choice

The X1 Language Choice campaign was the most successful in Xfinity/Comcasts 53-year history. Why? Because it communicated a deep understanding of what it means to be bilingual and demonstrated the unmatched commitment Xfinity had made to Hispanics. By framing a new feature as a metaphor for the ease and personal choice Bicultural Hispanics have when switching between languages, we set ourselves apart from the competition and elevated Language Choice to a personal experience that emotionally connected with our target.

Client: Comcast/XFINITY
Agency: Gallegos United
Language: English

2019_cn_2019_e192-cm-163436375_hero_1 OPPO Double Blessing
2019_cn_2019_e192-cm-160927575_hero_1 KFC Taco Juniors Never “lower their heads”
2019_cn_2019_e192-cm-161533489_hero_1 FAW-VW T-Roc FAW-VW T-ROC Teaser Campaign “Before I Come”

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