
Disease Awareness & Education: Pharma/Corporate

Brand/Client efforts designed to educate and/or promote health awareness.  Efforts targeted to either healthcare professionals, patients and/or consumers are eligible for this award. 



In the Deep

Black and Latinx men-who-have-sex-with-men continue to make up 59% of new HIV diagnoses in the US, focused primarily in the US South. Stigma prevented these communities from talking about this public health crisis – so Gilead took the conversation from public forums to private conversation with their custom podcast, In the Deep. Gilead’s campaign reached 925,441 black and Latinx men, encouraging 48,153 to consider testing with a sexual health visit. 8,110 ultimately completed an HIV test, growing Gilead’s HIV pharmaceutical market while combatting HIV in the US South.

Brand: Gilead HIV Franchise
Client: Gilead Sciences, Inc.
Agency: Initiative
Language: English

See My Skin

Less than 6% of image-based search results show skin conditions on people of color. And when Black and Hispanic people don’t feel seen in search, they’re less likely to be seen by a dermatologist. Vaseline created See My Skin: the only database designed to search conditions on skin of color. We aggregated thousands of images of the most searched skin conditions, building the world’s most diverse medical image library. Then, we directly connected people of color with culturally competent dermatologists– representing an increase of 1,430% in people seeking dermatological care.

Brand: Vaseline
Client: Vaseline
Agency: Edelman
Language: English


In March 2020, the world faced the rapid spread of Covid-19. Everyone needed to do their part, but there was one generation that wasn’t: Gen-Z. P&G believes in being a force for good, and so when the Governor of Ohio called, P&G immediately stepped forward. The #distancedance challenge was born, and a cultural phenomenon ensued. 17.7BN views of the hashtag and 4.2m consumer-generated videos later, what started with one call turned into a widely impactful campaign that positively changed the way Gen-Z thought, and most importantly behaved, during the pandemic.

Brand: Procter & Gamble
Client: Procter & Gamble
Agency: Grey
Language: English

2024_us_2024_e-8732-569_hero_1 Astellas – Vasomotor Symptoms (VMS) Disease State Awareness Heat on the Street: Raising Awareness of Vasomotor Symptoms (Hot Flashes and Night Sweats Due to Menopause)
2024_us_2024_e-9419-133_hero_1 American Society of Clinical Oncology (ASCO) The Most Beautiful Sound
2023_hk_2023_e-609-705_hero_1 hpv.com.hk Men's Choice Matter

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