
Household Supplies & Services

Cleaning products, waxes, detergents, floor-care products, fabric softeners, paper products, domestic services, mowers, fertilizers, lawn care services.




Faced with a smaller budget, Heritage exceeded all expectations and improved upon the previous year's results. Insightful creative helped "pre-sell" Deere by building on the core values consumers share with the brand -- hard work, honesty, dependability. This creative, combined with close monitoring of media efficiency, helped Deere generate more leads, decrease the cost per lead by as much as 135% and increase sales by 35% compared to the previous year.

Brand: John Deere
Client: John Deere Company
Agency: FCB
Language: English

Talking Weeds

If weeds could talk, they would talk about Roundup... This case is how Roundup weed killer solidified its leadership position and thwarted competition by focusing on one key strength, and letting the weeds tell the story.

Brand: Roundup
Client: Monsanto lwn & Garden
Agency: BBDO Los Angeles
Language: English

Never Clean Your Shower Again

A classic "David vs. Goliath" story... after inventing the Daily Shower Cleaner Category, CleanShower faced an onslaught of big brand competitors. This small, upstart company held market leadership and grew the category via an innovative TV. and radio campaign. The campaign utilized a flexible TV. scroll format, along with radio personality testimonials to raise brand awareness, drive trial of line extensions, and build distinctive brand equity.

Brand: Clean Shower
Client: Clean Shower L.P.
Agency: East Pointe Advertising
Language: English

2024_us_2024_e-8871-447_hero_1 Scotts Scott for Scotts
2023_ap_2023_sp-hs001_hero_1 Ariel See Equal #ShareTheLoad
2023_mn_2023_e-3875-661_hero_1 GIG - Emlaq Gigantic Stain

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