
Media Content Partnerships

This category focuses on efforts based on partnerships between a brand and a media owner/platform to create and activate original media content beyond traditional advertising. 



Dr Pepper Snapple Taps MTV Team To Launch Sun Drop Nationwide

For over fifty years Sun Drop was a regional citrus soda with a small but loyal following. Through an innovative venture, Sun Drop teamed with Viacom Media Networks and it's flagship MTV to launch Sun Drop nationally, targeting millennial consumers 13-24. By devising an on air campaign that generated huge viral views, massive Facebook and Twitter activity and unprecedented viewer engagement through a UGC promotion, Sun Drop became the #2 brand in the citrus category with multiple gains in key performance indicators including market share, distribution and awareness.

Brand: Sun Drop
Client: Dr Pepper Snapple Group
Agency: Scratch (Viacom Media Networks)
Language: English

Human Highlight Reel

The Luxury buyer is changing. We believe a new consumer is emerging. This consumer is driven by a greater sense of meaning, open-mindedness, and community. We know our consumers want to be measured by their significance, not their success. We share a belief with these consumers that we are better when we inspire others to reach their fullest potential. The Buick Human Highlight Reel is a collection of inspiring videos of former NCAA student athletes that are doing great things in their community and the world. Buick embraced, recognized and celebrated these stories throughout the NCAA March Madness Tournament.

Brand: Buick
Client: General Motors
Agency: Starcom MediaVest Group
Language: English

History Channel America: The Story of Us Partnership

For Bank of America's campaign, multiple touch points were activated across paid, earned and owned. Seeking out seamless integration of content, mini-documentaries featuring Bank of America's relevance to the time period were placed into the America: The Story of Us series. Through mobile and online, the Ultimate History quiz was offered in conjunction with the program and included banking related questions, further aligning Bank of America with the documentary series.

Brand: Bank of America
Client: Bank of America
Agency: Starcom MediaVest Group
Language: English

2024_us_2024_e-9484-421_hero_1 Carnival Cruise Line Carnival x Amazon Partnership
2024_us_2024_e-9601-405_hero_1 Google Pixel Pixel RePresents
2023_la_2023_e-3675-805_hero_1 DR. PEPPER Hackeando Espacios Juveniles con un Sabor Indescriptible

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