

This is an award for rebirth campaigns. To enter your brand must have experienced a downturn of more than one year and a period of at least six months of upturn sales.



Become Turbo

In March 2017 Adrenaline Rush launches an Inn and Out that could be associated to the consumption at night, giving the consumer an extra Boost of energy and offering a new flavor: Adrenaline Turbo Its communication and all the brand actions were based on the association between the boost of energy with the boost that is given to a car engine and the communication was leveraged with the film FAST AND FOURIOS 8. The results of Adrenalin Turbo exceeded all established goals and had such a positive impact on the business and brand image that it was decided to keep it as a permanent line extension.

Brand: Adrenaline Rush
Client: CBC
Agency: Don't Stop Me Now
Language: Spanish

Marina Emsal, tu sal de toda la vida

Se estima que Quimpac con Emsal y Marina, perdía share desde que entraron competidores pequeños low cost. Quimpac decide unificar sus marcas, bajo una sola marca Marina Emsal, para construir una marca sólida y competitiva.
Siendo la sal, el producto de mayor interacción en la cocina, se convierte en testigo de la historia culinaria del Perú. Se lanza una campaña resaltando que al ser sal de mar, es de origen natural; y principalmente, que es la sal que nos ha acompañado por varias décadas, la sal de toda la vida.

Brand: Sal Marina Emsal
Client: QUIMPAC S.A. - Marina Emsal
Agency: Quorum Soho Square
Language: Spanish

Bochkarev. Renaissance

“Bochkarev” is a well-known beer brand which had a major sales decrease for 6 years in a row which further led to the business interruption in 2014. The brand was resurrected thanks to a new design. The bottle front side was occupied by the brand’s tag line with the beer profile instead of the brand’s logo which was shifted to the back burner. This solution overcame retail chains’ reluctance to put this brand on their shelves, and this new approach got consumers back.

Brand: Bochkarev
Client: Heineken Russia LLC
Agency: Sons and Partners
Language: English, Russian

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2023_ap_2023_ss-br016_hero_1 Dancow Mother's Love is Perfect

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