
Business-to-Business - Services

This category is for marketing efforts from businesses targeting other businesses for any type of service and from any markeplace segment.



Think "Ote"

Hispanic small business owners have been underplaying their business size and potential, thinking their businesses are too small to invest in software or technology solutions to manage cash flow, payments and bookkeeping. This is the story of how QuickBooks changed the "I'm not that big" mindset in the Hispanic business community and nearly doubled the number of Latinos adopting QuickBooks. The strategy? Show Hispanic businesses with names ending in 'ito" ("barcitos," "mercaditos”) that just because their names sound "chiquitos" (small in English), it doesn't mean they can't be big.

Brand: QuickBooks
Client: Intuit QuickBooks
Agency: ALMA DDB.
Language: English

IT After Dark

As a provider of IT power management solutions, Eaton needed to become top-of-mind with IT professionals as the pandemic stretched IT pros’ workloads to a breaking point. 60% of IT pros were experiencing more work anxiety than pre-pandemic. IT After Dark, a content hub with games, de-stressing resources and time-saving tools, gave IT pros the one thing their long days (and nights) had lost — a break —and earned Eaton a place in their hearts and minds, setting an all-time high of 65% brand familiarity among new contacts.

Brand: Eaton
Client: Eaton Power Quality
Agency: Jack Morton Worldwide
Language: English

unspoken, uae

To shed light on the gravity of the situation around employee mental health not being spoken about by businesses, the Lighthouse Centre for Wellbeing, wanted to spearhead the conversation regarding the unspoken topic. So, we launched a platform - unspoken, uae - that encouraged employees struggling with mental health to speak up, by doing the talking for them. Starting on World Health Day (10 October), unspoken feelings were illustrated and shared as visual content, acts and education, targeting workplaces, to let those employees in companies, struggling, know they weren't alone.

Brand: Lighthouse Centre for Wellbeing
Client: Lighthouse Centre for Wellbeing
Agency: McCann Health Middle East
Language: English

2024_us_2024_e-8770-906_hero_1 Tubi B2B
2024_us_2024_e-9624-198_hero_1 Cigna Healthcare Your New Growth Plan
2023_us_2023_e-8306-352_hero_1 Cigna Healthcare Your New Growth Plan

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