
Disease Awareness & Education: Non-Profit

Public health and non-profit cause marketing efforts produced to raise awareness/education about specific health conditions. Efforts targeted to either healthcare professionals, patients and/or consumers are eligible for this award. 



The Truth About Opioids: Treatment Box

The opioid epidemic doesn't discriminate when claiming the lives of America’s youth. Yet young people still believed they were immune to addiction. We had to make young people realize that addiction could happen to them. So we showed young people part of the epidemic they never truly see up close and personal: addiction. Treatment Box brought young people into a live, opioid detox of someone just like them. We changed young people’s perceptions of opioids and addiction, ultimately driving a 13% decrease in intention to misuse opioids recreationally.

Brand: truth
Client: Truth Initiative
Agency: 72andSunny Los Angeles
Language: English

Tips From Former Smokers

Cigarette smoking remains a national epidemic. Smokers have grown deaf to the message that cigarettes kill. They feel they already know the health risks associated with tobacco. So, instead of telling people they would die from smoking, we showed them what living with the devastating effects of a tobacco-related disease really looked like. Over the course of the campaign, Quitline calls increased by 68% and visits to the website increased by 102%, both of which are scientifically proven metrics to drive quit attempts and help more people quit for good.

Brand: U.S. Centers for Disease Control and Prevention
Client: U.S. Centers for Disease Control and Prevention
Agency: Arnold Worldwide
Language: English

Prescribed to Death

How can you get Americans to take the threat of prescription opioids seriously when they don’t believe addiction can happen to them? This was National Safety Council's challenge as they sought to quell the surging prescription opioid epidemic. By creating a moving personal experience that helped people see themselves in the crisis, NSC was able to combat misperceptions about the epidemic. The resulting program established NSC as a leader in the fight against the prescription opioid epidemic and gave 1 million+ Americans a tool to protect themselves from addiction.

Brand: National Safety Council
Client: National Safety Council
Agency: Energy BBDO
Language: English

2023_us_2023_e-8105-294_hero_1 The California Healthy Minds, Thriving Kids Project Healthy Minds for Thriving Kids
2021_he_2021_e-6140-027_hero_1 California Department of Public Health - Tobacco Control Program Nicotine Equals Brain Poison
2021_he_2021_e-6388-086_hero_1 South Dakota Department of Social Services “Meth. We’re On It.” A Successful Anti-Drug Campaign

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