
Healthcare - Rx - Consumer/DTC

Efforts for prescription required drugs that are directed to patients and/or consumers.  Note: Entrants must detail any regulatory challenges that impacted the effort.



I Un-Apologize

After a lifetime of being told their vaginas are a source of shame, women avoid having candid and direct conversations about their reproductive health, including birth control. So for the first time, Annovera, a vaginal birth control ring and its spokeswoman, Whitney Cummings, encouraged women to un-apologize for who they are and what they want from contraception. We flipped the narrative around women's bodies and helped Annovera increase prescriptions by +28%. 

Brand: Annovera
Client: TherapeuticsMD
Agency: McCann New York
Language: English

Long May She Reign

IMVEXXY's 'Long May She Reign' did what no other brand has done: we told the world that menopausal vaginas matter. Our campaign imagines a world where the menopausal vagina is Queen and deserves a lifetime of love – so she can rule the bedroom for the rest of her reign.

Client: TherapeuticsMD
Agency: McCann NY
Language: English

SpeakENDO Campaign

When it comes to pain, women are told throughout their lives to “suck it up”—it’s no different with endometriosis. But, we found that every woman has an inner voice encouraging her to speak up—even at the gynecologist. We wanted to bring that inner voice to life—the “inner endo”—and show women the difference “speaking endo” makes and we created a robust ecosystem of tactics that arms them with the right tools to do so. SpeakENDO drove action through TV, web, and social—increasing awareness, understanding, and diagnosis.

Brand: SpeakENDO
Client: AbbVie
Agency: FCB Health New York
Language: English

2024_us_2024_e-9434-874_hero_1 VABYSMO Open up your world with VABYSMO
2023_us_2023_e-8106-385_hero_1 Oxbryta Rare Community, Authentic Connection
2023_us_2023_e-8282-919_hero_1 ALPROLIX Treatment Signing Day

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