

Fresh, packaged and frozen foods both regular and diet/light.



The Good Start that will last a lifetime

In 2003, the infant formula category had changed dramatically and was now polarized between the Premium and Price brands, leaving Nestle's Carnation brand stuck in the middle. To make matters worse, competitive brands started advertising directly to consumers for the first time. To remain competitive in this category, sweeping changes were needed, including branding the line and increasing the price to compete in the Premium segment. Because these changes were risky in the near-term, the campaign needed to minimize sales, share and awareness declines and hold distribution. With a campaign based on the insight that mothers want to do everything they can to build a lifelong relationship with their child- and that feeding time is the ideal place to begin building this bond - results were beyond expectations.

Brand: Nestle Good Start Supreme DHA & ARA
Client: Nestl USA
Agency: McCann Erickson Los Angeles
Language: English

Un Testimonials

By understanding the target audience and truly defining the problem (that most weight loss options out there are not simple to follow), Special K found a motivating and differentiating benefit for their cereal. This led to the creative campaign "Un-Testimonials" and focused on 'what you don't have to do to lose weight' by dramatizing the simplicity of the Special K diet. In-market results exceeded expectations for dollar sales and share point growth for the second year in a row.

Brand: Special K
Client: The Kellogg Company
Agency: Leo Burnett USA
Language: English

Twisted Cheetos

The objective of the "Get the Bisquick Down" TV campaign was to halt the decline of Bisquick volume and build awareness of the brand. To accomplish this, the campaign communicates "ownership" of the weekend family breakfast occasion. As a result, Bisquick volume decline not only halted, but increased +2%. Additionally, the campaign delivered a record setting brand awareness score of 78% in copy testing, significantly above the norm of 47%.

Brand: Cheetos
Client: Frito-Lay, Inc.
Agency: BBDO
Language: English

2024_us_2024_e-8783-997_hero_1 Heinz Tip for Heinz
2024_us_2024_e-8862-125_hero_1 Hidden Valley Ranch Ranch on a Branch
2024_us_2024_e-9360-037_hero_1 Campbell’s Chunky Lunchtime is Your Halftime

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