
Healthcare - OTC

Marketing communications efforts for products that are sold without a prescription that address a specific health condition.



This is Halls Fruit Breezers

Faced with a completely saturated smoke alarm market and rapidly sliding market share, First Alert created the "10-year -replacement" strategy. The result, an integrated "Be Safe, Replace" marketing communications program that increased message awareness fourfold, achieved a 40% sales increase and firmly re-established First Alert as the undisputed market leader within the family safety category.

Brand: Halls Fruit Breezers
Client: Cadbury Adams
Agency: JWT New York
Language: English


NyQuil, long known for its nighttime, multi-symptom cold relief sought to introduce a single-symptom cough relief product - NyQuil Cough. Setting up the need for NyQuil Cough, the "Consequences" campaign employs humor to dramatize the effects of annoying nighttime coughs, while highlighting the deficiency of its lead competitor. With the advertising launch, NyQuil Cough exceeded goals and became the #1 new product initiative in the cough/cold category, outselling the 2nd, 3rd, and 4th leading initiatives combined.

Brand: NyQuil Cough
Client: Procter & Gamble
Agency: D'Arcy New York
Language: English

Silent Sufferers

In 1999 MONISTAT was faced with its toughest competitive challenge ever - Pfizer began supporting its Rx product Diflucan heavily with television support. The OTC category, dominated by MONISTAT for over a decade, began a rapid decline dropping in sales for 18 straight periods, all attributable to Diflucan. In November 2001 J&J launched new advertising in support of the MONISTAT1 Combination Pack, hitting Diflucan in its only vulnerable area, which so happened to be the #1 consumer unmet need - speed of symptom relief. Results have far surpassed expectations, proven by sales/share results, written Rx prescriptions and category tracking study measures.

Client: Johnson & Johnson
Agency: McCann-Erickson
Language: English

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2023_us_2023_e-8156-233_hero_1 Advil Advil the Summer Travel Pain Away
2023_us_2023_e-8449-758_hero_1 Pfizer Living Beyond COVID-19

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