
Healthcare - OTC

Marketing communications efforts for products that are sold without a prescription that address a specific health condition.



The Braid Makes You Brave

In order to dethrone the 25 year incumbent and claim leadership in the plastic category in four short years, we needed to capture users at an early age and make them believers for life. Our creative strategy was to take the highly relevant, but commonly used emotional benefit of confidence to the next level, by linking Pearl's protection with period courage, something no brand has ever offered before. Despite no news, near impossible odds for growth and Playtex fiercely defending their territory, we successfully increased our market share by 18% and crowned Tampax Pearl queen of the plastic category.

Brand: Tampax Pearl
Client: Procter & Gamble
Agency: Leo Burnett USA
Language: English

CQ Real

In April 2004, NicoDermCQ was faced with a significant roadblock to growth - sales were at a record low and smokers were jaded by communication featuring actors in slice-of-life situations touting health risks. The CQ Real campaign redefined the playing field, connecting smokers with smokers, highlighting real battles to succeed and real everyday victories such as skin looking better, increased energy etc instead of seemingly unattainable long term health benefits. This campaign successfully achieved the objectives of re-engaging smokers and reviving the business with annual sales growth of over 12%.

Brand: NicoDerm CQ
Client: GlaxoSmithKline
Agency: Arnold Worldwide
Language: English

Practice Safe Sleep

In the past year, Tylenol PM has been threatened by an onslaught of new prescription sleep aids as well as the launch of Advil PM. Despite projections that the business would take a 12% hit in sales as a result, the two complimentary Tylenol PM campaigns that launched in 2006 not only effectively defended the business - but actually grew it over the year prior when Advil PM was not even on the market. By leveraging the brand's core safety heritage, Tylenol PM was able to raise the bar for safe sleep.

Brand: Tylenol PM
Client: McNeil Consumer Healthcare
Agency: Deutsch Inc.
Language: English

2024_us_2024_e-9018-856_hero_1 Bayer Aspirin Bayer Aspirin Official Sponsor of Fans' Hearts
2023_us_2023_e-8156-233_hero_1 Advil Advil the Summer Travel Pain Away
2023_us_2023_e-8449-758_hero_1 Pfizer Living Beyond COVID-19

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