
Seasonal Marketing- Products

Seasons, holidays and events allow marketers the opportunity to build strategic communications based on the time-based interests of their target audience.  This category will honor those efforts that effectively capitalized on a season, holiday or cultural event to drive results for their business. 



Changing the Game

To bring Microsoft’s mission to life, increase brand love and demonstrate Microsoft as leader in innovation, we highlighted an unlikely product: the XBOX Adaptive Controller, a device created for disabled gamers, to tell the story about why leveling the playing field mattered for everyone. We took to the biggest stage, the Super Bowl, to show the world: when everyone can play, we all win. We saw 1B impressions, 35M in earned media, 879% increase in #GamingForEveryone and 76% agreeing that Microsoft was a brand they loved.

Brand: Microsoft
Client: Microsoft
Agency: McCann New York
Language: English

Reese’s Turns All Halloween Candy Into America’s Favorite Candy.

Reese’s discovered a seasonal insight, that 90% of Americans wish they could trade their unwanted Halloween candy. So we created the Candy Converter to turn that unwanted candy into everyone's favorite: Reese's. Despite no paid media support for the activation, we helped Reese’s dominate Halloween conversation (fans anointed us the Greatest of All Time), drive incremental growth, and give Americans everywhere what they really wanted: more Reese’s in their Halloween hauls. 

Brand: Reese's
Client: Reese's
Agency: Anomaly
Language: English

2024_us_2024_e-8707-921_hero_1 Walmart+ The Mother of All Savings Memberships
2024_us_2024_e-9273-253_hero_1 Coors Light The Official Beer of Everything Unofficial This Summer
2024_us_2024_e-9359-469_hero_1 Campbell's Condensed Soup Move Over Turkey, Campbell’s Celebrates and Owns Sides Season

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