
Multicultural - Services

Any effort for a service whose success was dependent on effectively connecting with a specific cultural or lifestyle group, e.g.  African-American, Asian, Hispanic, LGBT, People with Disabilities, etc. 



Go Back To Africa

While the racial slur “Go Back to Africa” suggests to our target market, African Americans, that they are unwelcome in their own country, it also perpetuates a narrative that Africa is an undesirable destination. This campaign helped African Americans reclaim the phrase. It effectively took power away from those who spread hate, turning their negative slurs into messages of positivity. By illustrating a more racially representative depiction of travel to Africa, it also aided in shifting African American perceptions of (and travel intent to) the continent.

Brand: Black & Abroad
Client: Black & Abroad
Agency: FCB/SIX
Language: English

Know Your Girls

Black women in America are 40 percent more likely to die from breast cancer than white women. In communities across the U.S., black women are more likely to be diagnosed younger, at later stages and with more aggressive forms of the disease.  Developed by the Ad Council and Susan G. Komen, Know Your Girls encourages her to take charge of her breast health by treating her breasts with the same love, understanding and attentiveness that she gives the women closest to her.

Brand: Susan G. Komen
Client: Ad Council
Agency: Translation LLC
Language: English

NBCU Telemundo Sports Women's World Cup 2019

Summer 2019, some of the top athletes in fútbol prepared to battle at the FIFA Women’s World Cup.  But one never-before-seen, will-not-happen-again-any-time-soon conflict threatened viewership for Telemundo: two of the biggest men’s tournaments overlapped.  Latinos love soccer, but women usually get no respect. Telemundo scraped the tradition of doing less-than for the WWC and gave the athletes the spotlight they’ve earned with unprecedented coverage and world-class production value. Hispanic fans were stoked to get even more great futbol, independent of gender.

Brand: NBCU Telemundo Sports
Client: NBCU Telemundo Sports
Agency: Republica Havas
Language: English

2024_us_2024_e-9185-626_hero_1 McDonald's HACER
2023_us_2023_e-8475-706_hero_1 CVS Health Redefining the Concept of Saving
2022_us_2022_e-7359-170_hero_1 PNC Bank Forward

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