
Commerce & Shopper

The Commerce & Shopper Effies honor the most effective integrated campaigns designed to engage the shopper and guide the purchase process.



Master Painter Rewards

In a region where painters are still the most influential stakeholders in the paint purchase process, no brand was being able to ensure their loyalty. Enter Master Painter, the region's first loyalty programme aimed to empower painters and give them full control of their relationship with Jotun. Thanks to the launch of the new programme, painters were spending 108% more per month than before it was launched, which helped the brand increase retail sales by 5%.

Brand: Jotun
Client: Jotun MEIA
Agency: Wunderman Dubai
Language: English


Brand: Kaufland
Client: Kaufland
Agency: Leo Burnett Romania
Language: Romanian


El desafío era lanzar la nueva Coca-Cola Sin Azúcar, comunicando que es tan rica, que hasta un experto dudaría al diferenciarla de la Original”.Así nació M.A.R.T.A. (Modelo Avanzado Robótico de Testeo Automático), un device lúdico y hasta irónicoSe buscó que sea una experiencia que pueda vivir la mayoría de la gente en carne propia para conectar, generar empatía e impulsar la prueba de producto, por eso todas las ejecuciones hacían sentir al target parte de la acción.

Brand: Coca-Cola sin Azúcar
Client: The Coca-Cola Company
Agency: Grey Argentina
Language: Spanish

2022_eu_2022_e-788-055_hero_1 Peugeot Cars Spark
2020_uk_2020_e-481-753_hero_1 Nestlé KITKAT KITKAT - Make a Break For It
2019_co_2019_e-309-400_hero_1 Ponqué Tajada El Juego Del Trono De Las Ventas Del Ponqué Tajada

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