
Brand Experience: AR/VR/Digital

For augmented/virtual reality/digital brand experiences



Dove Real Beauty Sketches - Winning back Dove Love

Only 4% of women believe they are beautiful. How could Dove inspire to the other 96% to think differently? We discovered the barrier to her feeling beautiful had fundamentally changed, and launched Dove Real Beauty Sketches: a social experiment that introduced women to her inner critic, proving they were more beautiful than they thought. It won back Dove Love by lifting womens esteem; it returned Dove to culture, drove a significant ROI - in under 5 months, with a spend of less than $1M.

Brand: Dove
Client: Unilever
Agency: Ogilvy Brasil
Language: English

A Boy And His Atom

IBM is one of the worlds largest brands, but one the public scarcely encounters. To reverse falling awareness figures we turned IBM PhD nanophysicists into animators to create A Boy & His Atom, a film made from individual atoms. The film and its surrounding experience won a Guinness World Record, a Gold Cannes Lion, and the hearts of millions of viewers. It became IBMs most viewed piece of content ever, reversing long term awareness declines to drive profound business value. All for less than the price of just producing a single TV commercial.

Brand: IBM
Client: IBM
Agency: Ogilvy & Mather
Language: English

"The Man Your Man Could Smell Like" Responds to the Internet

How could Old Spice leverage "The Man Your Man Could Smell Like" to engage with people on a more intimate level? The result was the "Response" campaign, an experiment in real-time branding in which "The Man Your Man Could Smell Like" recorded 186 personalized YouTube messages. The work became one of the most popular interactive efforts in history and changed the way brands interact with their fans. What's more, the work boosted the bottom line with record results, as sales of Old Spice body wash doubled from the previous year.

Brand: Old Spice
Client: Procter & Gamble
Agency: Wieden+Kennedy
Language: English

2023_mn_2023_e-3632-364_hero_1 Yas Island The Best Day Ever
2023_mn_2023_e-3747-678_hero_1 Babyshop The true value of value retailing
2023_mn_2023_e-4004-410_hero_1 Puck A New Twist with Mozzarella Every Day!

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