
Youth Marketing

This category will honor those efforts that successfully communicate to teens or young adults.



LEGO Star Wars Introduction

Brand: LEGO Star Wars
Client: LEGO Systems, Inc.
Agency: Lowe Lintas & Partners
Language: English


Our challenge was to launch a $10 Yomega yo-yo in a traditionally under $5 category. Our spin: Yomega has new technology that makes yo-yoing easier, helping new yo-yoers feel less lame, maybe even cool. Our goal was to help Bandai sell a ton of Yomega Yo-Yos through the second half of 1998.

Brand: Yomega
Client: Bandai America
Agency: JWT Los Angeles
Language: English

Walk 'N Talk Pals Campaign

Tyco Preschool had set forth very ambitious goals for the introduction of Walk 'N Talk Pals. In order to claim success, the campaign needed to be intrusive and breakthrough the TV toy advertising clutter. The spot needed to capture the attention of moms and drive purchase intent in the highly competitive preschool category. Our strategy was to convince moms that with Walk 'N Talk Pals, they can bring the a part of Sesame Street home.

Brand: Tyco Preschool - Walk 'N Talk Pals
Client: Tyco Toys, Inc.
Agency: Young & Rubicam New York
Language: English

2023_ap_2023_ss-ym005_hero_1 Sprite Heat Happens - Don't lose to Heat
2023_la_2023_e-2613-147_hero_1 Google Me Being Me, and Google Gets Me
2023_la_2023_e-2851-744_hero_1 Mastercard Unknown Legend

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