Nov 12, 2020

2020 Effie Awards Germany Winners Announced: Commerzbank and thjnk win Grand Effie

Frankfurt am Main, November 12, 2020. The “Ponytail” campaign by Commerzbank and thjnk for the German women's national soccer team won the Grand Effie as the most effective work of the year.

The ten-member Grand Jury, chaired by GWA Vice President Larissa Pohl, assessed the presentations of all Gold winners at the digital Effie Congress and awarded the Grand Effie to “Ponytails”. The campaign also won two Gold trophies in the 'Public Relations' and 'Highlight' categories.

Instead of advertising with a sponsorship campaign at the 2019 Women's World Cup, Commerzbank - a long-term partner of the German Football Association (DFB) - and the agency thjnk made discrimination against women a campaign theme. The centerpiece was a polarizing film in which the DFB women disarmed sexist clichés provocatively and with self-irony and openly addressed grievances. Despite a small media budget, it amassed a large audience in the run-up to the World Cup and was then rolled out on TV and online. This generated a social debate and an enormous reach. "Ponytails" also increased membership rates of women and girls in football clubs after many years.

“This year the Effie made it clear how relevant proven successes in marketing communication are, especially in times of economic tension. After all, it is about how agencies contribute to the success of companies and brands with their communication solutions. "Ponytails" is an excellent example of the effectiveness that creativity can achieve today. The case makes a contribution to society beyond the business goals. And so we would like to congratulate Commerzbank and the agency thjnk on the Grand Effie 2020,” says Larissa Pohl.

This year’s Grand Jury included Larissa Pohl, Kristina Bulle (Procter & Gamble), Jörg Dambacher (RTS Rieger Team), Claas Meineke (EDEKA), Benjamin Minack (lack of resources), Magdalena Rogl (Microsoft), Roger Stenz (WPP Health Practice) ), Anne Stilling (Vodafone), Dr. Jens Thiemer (BMW) and Franziska von Lewinski (FischerAppelt, from 1.1.2021 Syzygy).

The complete, two-stage judging process with a total of almost 150 jurors from companies, agencies, scientists and market researchers and 14 jury meetings took place completely virtually this year. The Effie Congress with the gold presentations and keynotes by Marketing Professor Mark Ritson, Anne Stilling (Vodafone) and Dr. Gordon Euchler (Account Planning Group Germany) were broadcast on YouTube from November 5th to 12th.

During the live stream of the Effie Gala tonight from the broadcasting hall of Hessi-scher Rundfunk in Frankfurt am Main, Larissa Pohl presented the Grand Effie virtually to the winners. The gala was moderated by Michel Abdollahi and included greetings from GWA President Benjamin Minack and Markus Frank, Department Head for Economy, Sport, Security and Fire Brigade of the City of Frankfurt am Main, as well as a performance from the beatbox band Duke.

The Effie Awards Germany competition has been run by the General Association of Communication Agencies GWA since 1981 to award effectiveness in marketing communication.

See the full winner list >

This press release has been translated from German and lightly edited for clarity. See the original release on gwa.de >
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Original Nov 12, 2020 Germany

2020 Effie Awards Germany Winners Announced: Commerzbank and thjnk win Grand Effie

Frankfurt am Main, November 12, 2020. The “Ponytail” campaign by Commerzbank and thjnk for the German women's national soccer team won the Grand Effie as the most effective work of the year.

The ten-member Grand Jury, chaired by GWA Vice President Larissa Pohl, assessed the presentations of all Gold winners at the digital Effie Congress and awarded the Grand Effie to “Ponytails”. The campaign also won two Gold trophies in the 'Public Relations' and 'Highlight' categories.

Instead of advertising with a sponsorship campaign at the 2019 Women's World Cup, Commerzbank - a long-term partner of the German Football Association (DFB) - and the agency thjnk made discrimination against women a campaign theme. The centerpiece was a polarizing film in which the DFB women disarmed sexist clichés provocatively and with self-irony and openly addressed grievances. Despite a small media budget, it amassed a large audience in the run-up to the World Cup and was then rolled out on TV and online. This generated a social debate and an enormous reach. "Ponytails" also increased membership rates of women and girls in football clubs after many years.

“This year the Effie made it clear how relevant proven successes in marketing communication are, especially in times of economic tension. After all, it is about how agencies contribute to the success of companies and brands with their communication solutions. "Ponytails" is an excellent example of the effectiveness that creativity can achieve today. The case makes a contribution to society beyond the business goals. And so we would like to congratulate Commerzbank and the agency thjnk on the Grand Effie 2020,” says Larissa Pohl.

This year’s Grand Jury included Larissa Pohl, Kristina Bulle (Procter & Gamble), Jörg Dambacher (RTS Rieger Team), Claas Meineke (EDEKA), Benjamin Minack (lack of resources), Magdalena Rogl (Microsoft), Roger Stenz (WPP Health Practice) ), Anne Stilling (Vodafone), Dr. Jens Thiemer (BMW) and Franziska von Lewinski (FischerAppelt, from 1.1.2021 Syzygy).

The complete, two-stage judging process with a total of almost 150 jurors from companies, agencies, scientists and market researchers and 14 jury meetings took place completely virtually this year. The Effie Congress with the gold presentations and keynotes by Marketing Professor Mark Ritson, Anne Stilling (Vodafone) and Dr. Gordon Euchler (Account Planning Group Germany) were broadcast on YouTube from November 5th to 12th.

During the live stream of the Effie Gala tonight from the broadcasting hall of Hessi-scher Rundfunk in Frankfurt am Main, Larissa Pohl presented the Grand Effie virtually to the winners. The gala was moderated by Michel Abdollahi and included greetings from GWA President Benjamin Minack and Markus Frank, Department Head for Economy, Sport, Security and Fire Brigade of the City of Frankfurt am Main, as well as a performance from the beatbox band Duke.

The Effie Awards Germany competition has been run by the General Association of Communication Agencies GWA since 1981 to award effectiveness in marketing communication.

See the full winner list >

This press release has been translated from German and lightly edited for clarity. See the original release on gwa.de >