Nov 02, 2016

Effie Awards Czech Republic Celebrates 2016 Winners

The 19th edition of the Effie Awards Czech Republic Gala took place at Lucerna Cinema in Prague on November 2. A jury of marketing professionals representing brands, agencies, research agencies, and media companies scored the entries and awarded eight Gold, six Silver, and ten Bronze. Plzeňský Prazdroj and McCann Prague won the Grand Effie for their campaign, “Gambrinus – Patron je zpět.”

The 2016 Effie Awards Czech Republic competition was organized by the Association of Communication Agencies (AKA), and for the first time supported by Vladimir Dlouhy, President of the Czech Chamber of Commerce. According to Marka Hlavici, President of AKA, this is the first step towards recognizing the marketing industry as "an industry that transforms the economy, stimulates consumption and employs thousands of educated people."

This year, Effie Awards Czech Republic added the new category of Veřejná správa (Public Administration), which examined the effectiveness of campaigns initiated by government and non-government organizations. The first Gold in this category went to the Ministry of Regional Development and agency partner, Momentum, for their campaign that calls for support of EU Structural and Investment Funds. The category marks the increasing role of marketing in building civil society and communicating with citizens.

For the full list of winners, click here>
Original Nov 02, 2016 Europe

Effie Awards Czech Republic Celebrates 2016 Winners

The 19th edition of the Effie Awards Czech Republic Gala took place at Lucerna Cinema in Prague on November 2. A jury of marketing professionals representing brands, agencies, research agencies, and media companies scored the entries and awarded eight Gold, six Silver, and ten Bronze. Plzeňský Prazdroj and McCann Prague won the Grand Effie for their campaign, “Gambrinus – Patron je zpět.”

The 2016 Effie Awards Czech Republic competition was organized by the Association of Communication Agencies (AKA), and for the first time supported by Vladimir Dlouhy, President of the Czech Chamber of Commerce. According to Marka Hlavici, President of AKA, this is the first step towards recognizing the marketing industry as "an industry that transforms the economy, stimulates consumption and employs thousands of educated people."

This year, Effie Awards Czech Republic added the new category of Veřejná správa (Public Administration), which examined the effectiveness of campaigns initiated by government and non-government organizations. The first Gold in this category went to the Ministry of Regional Development and agency partner, Momentum, for their campaign that calls for support of EU Structural and Investment Funds. The category marks the increasing role of marketing in building civil society and communicating with citizens.

For the full list of winners, click here>