Telekom Slovenije, d.d.
ANDREJA LENART, Direktorica Centralnega marketinga, Telekom Slovenije, d.d.
NIKO KUŠAR, Centralni marketing, Telekom Slovenije, d.d.
BORUT BARTOL, Vodja digitalnega komuniciranja, Telekom Slovenije, d.d.
JURE GRILC, Tržno komuniciranje, Poslovni trg, Telekom Slovenije, d.d.
TOMAŽ JONTES, Direktor Tržno komuniciranje, Poslovni trg, Telekom Slovenije, d.d.
UROŠ GORIČAN, Kreativni direktor, Pristop d.o.o., Kreativni direktor
PETER ZABRET, Tekstopisec, Pristop d.o.o., Tekstopisec
MELITA BOŽIČ, Direktor projektov, Pristop d.o.o. (Direktor projekta)
MOJCA MAČKOVŠEK DANEV, Vodja projektov, Pristop d.o.o. (Vodja projekta)
Renderspace d.o.o.
TINA ŠUBIC KONDA, Vodja vsebinskega marketinga, Renderspace d.o.o. (Vodja vsebinskega marketinga)
Pristop Media d.o.o.
TSmedia, d.o.o.
How can the leading telecommunications provider – faced with an aggressive competition, price dumping and consequently threatened brand strength - get closer to users' hearts through sponsorships? We combined our numerous sporting sponsorships into a uniform campaign #zanaše, in which our various athletes – through online and offline channels, presented unique cheering moves and inspired fans to join them and spread the positive cheering spirit. During the three-month campaign, we connected the cheering heartfulness with the great results and consequently refreshed and strengthened positive brand attributes of Telekom Slovenije.