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L'Oreal Paris
Рroject "Color that dictates fashion"

RAN IN: Russia


Audience: Young women aged 25-35 who coloured their hair quite a lot as means of experimenting with appearance or search of right image. Through Internet, TV and glossy magazines, they were looking out for trends and news from world of beauty and fashion and trying to follow them*. Main means be fashionable was to buy new fashionable item, but because of difficult economic situation, they could no longer refresh their wardrobe with new items every season*. *RosIndeks, H1 2016, base: hair colour users over the last 6 months, age 25+, cities of 100 thous+

Objectives: Given the situation, a negative forecast on Preference market share seemed inevitable. Therefore the chosen the commercial objective was to minimize the decrease of this share. Prior to project start Préférence was showing drop in share of–16% in value*.Measurement tool: AC Nielsen market research Marketing goal: To achieve this, we had to set brand apart from competitors as far as possible to make consumers understand for what they should pay more.Measurement tool: GFK "Media & Ad Tracker" (indicators of difference from competitors). *AC Nielsen Panel, total National without Pharma, Nov’15–Aug’16

Type: B2C

Language: English, Russian