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Street Stars
Digital show Street Stars with street musicians

RAN IN: Russia




Audience: Our audience (18 to 35 years old) lives in large cities. They hang out in social networks, they do not believe in what advertising sells, but they are interested in quality content - from music videos to TED lectures and vk.com long-reads. They are united by love to music sincerely. According to the PBN Hill+Knowlton Strategies study, audience of 18-35 has music on the 2nd place among their interests. They listen to their favourite and new songs every day and consume huge number of music videos, live recordings and broadcasts of concerts.

Objectives: Our goal was to create a unique platform that combines quality music, social network's users and commercial brands integrated as an essential part of the project. Since we wanted our show to be massive, the main KPIs was the reach and cost of one contact.Having in mind these KPIs, we wanted to be comparable with 40 million contacts of the «Voice» (according to Mediascope), at a cost per contact of 1.25 rubles (entrance threshold is 50 million rubles according to Channel 1). Our goal – 20 million people at a contact price of 1 ruble.

Type: B2C

Language: English, Russian