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Project "Dostup"

RAN IN: Russia


Audience: In MTS, youth - are people aged 14 - 24. There are two groups segmented in accordance with their behavior in life and online: active (10%) and passive (90%). Active users are among the 1st who discover new music and technical innovations and share them with friends, who play new games and post let’splays, who come in a new pair of sneakers from the latest drop, who attend new exhibitions before long lines appear. All image campaigns are targeted at active youth as they are the opinion leaders of their generation.

Objectives: The main goal of the campaign was to achieve a statistically significant increase in the indicator “For youth” for MTS (an increase on at least 3 points during the campaign period in 4Q2018) and a decrease in the same indicator (decrease on at least 3 points in the 4th quarter of 2018) for the leader in this attribute. Brand Health Tracking is measured quarterly by GFK RUS for internal use of MTS.   

Type: B2C

Language: English, Russian