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Taxiportation: how Citymobil brought a renewed taxi brand to the market

RAN IN: Russia


Audience: The core target audience: 25-45 years old, men and women (50%/50%) married, with higher education and income 30000+rub. The frequency of using a taxi-2-3 times a month, Moscow and Moscow region.The main taxi service use cases: commute trips,bars/restaurants/clubs, moving between them and returning back home, visiting.On weekdays, the most popular reason for the order is commute. The main motive for choosing a taxi on weekdays-faster to get anywhere, in second place– comfort. Every third passenger during the weekend calls a taxi for visiting and back.

Objectives: Growth of the customers base: Past 3 months usage +10%First trip +40%Number of trips x 2 timesOnline orders x 10 times Increase in daily mobile app downloads +50% Growth of brand indicators:+10% unaided brand awareness after the campaign+10% aided brand awareness +10% NPS among users of taxi services  +10% growth of the key brand attributes (value for money, fast delivery, good for daily trips) Unaided Ad awareness: +10%Aided ad awareness: +10%The first Ad mention: + 5%

Language: English, Russian