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Agents of influence

RAN IN: Russia


Audience: Target audience - segments of active users of the Internet, mobile services, mobile bank, online services for buying tickets. These are people of 25-45 years old who are used to the fact that almost any problem can be solved with a mobile phone, and the lack of such an opportunity annoys them.For this audience, it is important to be innovative and modern, to keep up with the times, to be aware of the latest trends, they value their time and want to use it effectively.

Objectives: The regulatory process of inventing the online sales of “e-CMTPL” («e-ОСАГО») since 2017 has drove up the demand on the online sales of optional insurance. The growth of online-certificates sales was already 45% in Q1 2017.Commercial targets:Drive the online sales to 55% vs 2017 (in roubles);Get a 4-times growth of sales through Ingomobile app;Media KPI:Get a total reach of TA of ~33 mln users;We have defined the size of the potential audience, the number of devices used for Internet access and estimated a needed reach.

Type: B2C

Language: English, Russian