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Social Campaign "Eat like a Pro. Pass of Fair"

RAN IN: Russia


Audience: Male & Female, 25-45 yo.Young parents, families with kids.New generation of families who are up to date with technologies, leading enjoyable and healthy lifestyle for them and their families. Actively seek out for options to enhance their overall health and well-being and live in work-life balance. Residents of big cities. Average & above average income. New families, recent owners of their own real estate. While choosing major domestic appliances look for best price-quality option, because can not afford or do not want to buy top-price brands.

Objectives: Commercial goal: Sales growth +30% (-19% in 2017 vs. 2016) Market share +0.5pp (-0.8 pp in 2017 vs. 2016) Marketing goal: increase spontaneous brand awareness +1 pp increase "brand familiarity" creteria +5 pp Communication goal:Relaunch Beko brand with new communication message; Social goal: draw attention to the problem of children’s obesity & help parents to inspire their kids for healthy eating and for living an active lifestyle; KPIs: 120 mln of media impressions; 100 media publications; Engagement of 5 celebrities & 10 TOP-bloggers on free of charge basis; 5000 of hashtags

Type: B2C

Language: English, Russian