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Disney. Микки Маус
Mickey Mouse 90 th

RAN IN: Russia


Audience: The Mickey Mouse franchise has a great potential in reaching a wide audience: Families (Parents with children of any age);Teenagers;Young people,  mainly women* The conclusion about the relevance of the franchise among various age groups was based on the sales data of licensed goods in different product categories and qualitative study "Consumer perception of the Disney franchises"  (O+K research).

Objectives: The goal of the Mickey Mouse 90 campaign is to involve the widest audience possible in interaction with the franchise. KPI: 52M reachPR VALUE: $100,000Revenue growth (revenue from the franchise across lines of business) INDEX 105 (vs. the same period in the previous year) Goals based on the results of marketing campaigns in 2017, 2016 with the same budget. 

Type: B2C

Language: English, Russian