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Chudo detki
Vkusomagiya, come true! An exceptional curd come true!

RAN IN: Russia


Audience: The key audience making a decision to purchase consists of Russian mothers of 30–45 years old with kids of a school age and average or higher than average income level. They try to support their children by helping them cope with the increased academic load at school and at home. The second target audience are kids of 6–11 years old, who are primary school students loaded with a multitude of classes and extracurricular activities. The children have grown up but still need special kids' dairy products.

Objectives: The following targets and KPIs were established:1.    capture a sizeable market share within first months after the product launch (20% SOM);2.    ensure increment of sales to the core product portfolio (+15% Vol);   3.    influence the brand image and achieve considerable increase in the following indicators: "Brand I love" (+8.5 pp vs PP), "Kids like the taste" (+11 pp vs PP), "Child asks to buy" (+10pp vs PP);4.    ensure a certain demand level for a retail in top 7 SKUs of this category.

Type: B2C

Language: English, Russian