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Style in 90 seconds

RAN IN: Russia




Audience: The target audience was defined as young girls (14-24 years), college and high school students, who follow fashion trends but need an expert or just a friendly advice when choosing outfits or creating a look, who prefer to dress with taste, willing not only to be fashionable, but also feel comfortable, preferring Street fashion style to glamour and kitsch images.  

Objectives: The project has set short-term goals as long as long-term goals. Short-term goals include an operational increase in sales through an increase in the share of young buyers under the age of 25 years among the general pool of buyers by 25% (from 9.8 up to 12.25%) in the specific period of project promotion (according to internal sales data).These goals are based on the average annual growth rate of sales among the young audience (internal sales data), which in the previous 2 years stagnated at 9-10% during the analyzed years. Long-term goals are to increase the share of young buyers in the total demographic pool of O'stin customers to 25% (according to the Russian Target Group Index 2016, from 23.5%), change the perception of the image of the brand and build brand awareness among the young audience. Also, long-term goals include targeting the young audience, its involvement in the values of the brand and the creation of a new core of loyal customers in the future. Formation of a firm brand acceptance and consolidation of the brand in buyer's "top of mind". Forming and development of a new strategic communication channel for the segment and for the brand with the young audience is also one of the long-term goals.  

Type: B2C

Language: English, Russian