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How Fruto-Nyanya has strengthened its leadership positions in the conditions of the falling kids juices market

RAN IN: Russia




Audience: Our target audience –20-40 years old mothers with children from 6 months to 3 years old, who are aiming to choose quality, healthy and natural food for their kids. They are not impulsive and are often cautious, listening to the opinion of the people who are important to them – their mothers, friends and pediatricians. Mothers (with children older than 1 year) give juice to their babies more often than once a month mostly as a thirst quencher accompanied with a meal. Nevertheless, recently we could notice a growing trend of rejection of this product due to its perception as unhealthy.  

Objectives: 1) Increase in the value market share (+2%) and volume share (+2%) 2) Growth of image indicators • “The brand offers only natural products” (+2%) • “The products of the brand are enriched with vitamins and useful substances” (+3%) • “The brand offers high-quality products” (+5%) • “The brand makes me confident in a way that my child will be healthy” (+10%) • “The brand with which I’m sure I feed my child in a right way” (+2%) 3) Growth of indicators of motivation to purchase (+5%) 4) Results of advertisement evaluation: • Ad recognition – higher than a norm for the baby food category (31%) by 10% • Likeability – higher than a norm for the baby food category (85%) by 10% • Intention to purchase after commercial view – higher than a norm for the baby food category (71%) by 15%  

Type: B2C

Language: English, Russian