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Microlax: Global campaign

RAN IN: Russia


Audience: Women suffer from constipation more often - more than 70% (i.e. in Russia 78% of constipation sufferers are women (1)). Therefore traditionally only women 30+ y.o. were considered as target audience. But we conducted profound segmentation and identified new relevant niche audiences. Thus, we decided to target 3 segments: 1)Women 30-50 y.o. - 31% are frequent sufferers (1-2 episodes a month) (1); 2)Pregnant women 25-35 y.o. - 25% have constipation due to diet changes and endocrine profile (1); 3) Young moms with kids 0-4 y.o. - 54% of kids this age suffer from frequent constipation (2). Healthcare professionals - doctors (pediatricians, GE, proctologists) and pharmacists - became another important TA as they influence consumers' choice of a laxative. Source: 1)Nielsen, DHC Cross Need States Study, Russia, Landscape report, 2015; 2)Kantar Millwardbrown, Microlax Brand Health, Brand Power Study, 2015

Objectives: Grow the Microlax brand in EMEA cluster by 3% while market is stagnating: 1)in Russia - to sustain leadership and grow market share by 2017 by 2 ppt (vs 2015), and change consumer attitude to rectal format of the drug, entering 'first choice' consideration set; 2)increase Microlax market share in Sweden by 0,4 ppt turning around decline trend, in Finland by 0,3 ppt, in Denmark by 0,1 ppt getting from stagnation to growth.

Type: B2C

Language: English, Russian